What exactly does it mean to love?
It means to give freely of one’s heart
It means that although patience may be tried
It won’t break because love has staying power.
It means that kindness and sensitivity
Will be offered at any given time “just because”-
More important, it will be given when needed.
Love means that there will be no regrets.
Love means you’ve opened your heart and soul
And accepted someone as is.
Love is eternal.
You are the love of a lifetime
You are everything I always hoped for….
Enough to do anything for you- give my life, my love, my heart, and my soul to you and for you.
Enough to willing give all my time, efforts, thoughts, talents, trusts, and prayers to you….
Enough to be completely comfortable with you, act silly around you, and be myself with you.
Enough to share all my sentiments dreams, goals, fears, hopes, and worries- my entire life with you…..
I wanna say many many things with you, but I’m afraid and worried.
May be you never read my blog,so.... so..... so .....
Everything I wanna say …..I LOVE YOU SO